Feel Better. Do More.

How can we overcome today's health challenges?
The Health Concierge helps you find YOUR OWN healing path.
Anchored in a deeply client-centered and evidence-based approach to health.
Remember . . .
in combination with
leads to
Creating individualized Action Plans to improved health & wellbeing
What stressors & traumas are playing a role in your health?
What mindsets, limiting beliefs and behaviors are toxic to your health?
Let's manage your stressors.
Let's process your traumas.
Let's shift mindsets.
Let's eliminate limiting beliefs.
Let's improve behavioral patterns.
Wellness Assessment : a catalog designed to recalibrate, repurpose and reinvigorate your path to wellness & wellbeing.
EFT Tapping : an effective and evidenced-based stress reduction and trauma processing technique.
Holotropic Breathwork® : a therapeutic process designed to connect you with your inner healer, inner teacher and inner guidance system.
Health Coaching : guided by fundamental health principles (see below) and leveraging proven & effective frameworks & techniques from eastern and western health practices.
Fundamental health principles that GUIDE the journey towards wellbeing:

Brilliance in the Basics
Let’s get great at the basics of health! We don’t need to jump on a 30-day keto diet or juice cleanse challenge, or sign up for the next marathon/spartan race, to “get healthy.” It’s much simpler and more nourishing- It’s about a fundamental understanding of the basics followed by consistent practice.
One size does not fit all
One approach or prescription that works for everyone does not exist. An inner guidance system, coupled with principles and direct experience, leads each individual towards their most effective approach to wellness & wellbeing.

Inner Guidance System
The body is intelligent, dynamic and resilient. A personal health journey is not about going somewhere, but about returning back home to an innate state of wellbeing.
Direct Experience
As science & healthcare do their best to understand & support the human body, the truth is, they will always remain a step behind the realities of the human experience. Consequently, first-hand direct experience is the foundation to creating personalized practices that support individual health.

Angles of Perspective
Exposure to a broad spectrum of health techniques from a variety of origins is imperative to the journey. From ancient wisdom traditions to indigenous practices to the latest scientific research to biohacking technologies. Keep what works and discard the rest.
Similar to a hotel concierge, the Health Concierge seeks to create
a 5-star experience with respect to your personal health.
Anchored in a deeply client-centered approach to health,
this concierge service offers an alternative to a health & wellness industry
that is often product-centered or heavily biased
towards one way of doing things.
Compounding Effect
The journey unfolds from the accumulation of a lifetime of small steps. It's not a sprint. It's not a 30-day challenge. It's not an annual resolution. It is an accumulation of daily attention, motivation, inspiration and maintenance.

Accepting Confusion
For every 'health expert' who says do this, there's an equal number that say don't do that. Confusion is the first step to understanding. This becomes the first step in the path to real wellbeing. Turn to your inner guidance system and direct experience for the source of truth.
Creating Space
Our inner guidance system (or intuition) is always begging for our attention. It is often a soft whisper, and it's our responsibility to learn to quiet our minds, our activities, our environment, in order to listen. The key is being able to down regulate our nervous system.

Nature of Mind-Body Unity

The moment you learn to observe “the thinker,” a higher level of consciousness is accessed and activated. Einstein is quoted for saying “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” There is a critical need to expand our consciousness in order to address the vastness of today's health challenges.
We cannot keep doing the same things, expecting different results.
Letting Go
It is tremendously helpful to let go of any traditional or conventional health & fitness frameworks. We are influenced by a society and industry that drives external notions of health. A personal health journey is exactly that, personal. Let go in order to follow your inner guidance.

It's important to recognize the variability & limitations
of our current health education. Equally important to recognize is how science & healthcare will always remain a step behind the realities of the human experience.
The Health Concierge purposefully promotes open mindedness to try something different tomorrow, the day after, and the day after that,
until the fullest potential of our health is actualized.
Continue reading My Philosophy:
What's your Health Approach?
30 min